Tuesday, August 14, 2012

QR Code Basics

QR Codes! A whole new EASY world to incorporate into the classrooms!

First, welcome back! I am so excited to be bringing you these tech tips this year. You should know that these first couple of weeks, the blog will include new tips and instructions for Studywiz, PowerSchool, and Lanschool. Then by September, the blog will focus on various web 2.0 resources to make teaching fun and effective! As always, if you run across a site or tool that is AmAzIng, please share! (Heads up, prizes are staying around for this year too! :) )

Second, above is the presentation on QR codes that we did in our technology session today. This session was just a QUICK overview. What ways can you think of using a QR code in your classroom?  I can't wait to see your Challenge Entries!

Lastly, Welcome Back and I look forward to working with you this year!